Your dog and the winter

  • 23 Jan, 2014
  • The Dogs

Do you like winter?

If so, your dog will have lots of fun this winter!
Do not think that your dog will get cold outside, small and big can go out even if the weather is cold. Of course, you must be vigilant.

Indoor dogs

For most of us, our dog shares our home, therefore being less exposed to cold temperatures, thus having less endurance.  Some dogs, with a finer morphology, shorter hair or smaller bodies, could have a harder time adjusting. Age of the dog could also play a role, young or old, will have a harder time fighting off the cold. For those, we could put coats and boots on them.

Outdoor dogs

Long haired dogs, such as Huskies, St-Bernards and Bernese Mountain Dogs will adapt better to outdoor life.  They could even live outdoors all the time. A dog living outdoors permanently will be able to bear large temperature differences if he benefits from a shelter properly insulated from the ground and air currents. Increasing food intake, will give them daily consumable energy to fight off the cold

Move, move, move

It is certain that if you leave your dog in the backyard without stimulation and activity, he will stick by the door shivering, hoping to return to the comfort and warmth of the house. Let's get out of the house all bundled up and go play in the snow with our doggy! The more he goes out, the more he will be able to fight off the cold.


Be careful when going on outdoor activities. If the dog is not kept active, he could get cold or freeze his paws.
It is also important not to let him eat too much snow, it could irritate his stomach, resulting in diarrhea or vomiting.
Salt can also be harmful to the animal, it is an irritant on the paws and if ingested, can in some cases be fatal. If swallowed, consult your veterinarian.A nice winter to everyone!

Mélissa Ellefsen
Canine educator & behaviorist

You can send your questions and suggestions to: [email protected]

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